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An Autumn Walk 

These photos were taken in 2012 in November, Spring wood forest near Whalley in Lancashire. The light was perfect and I was just getting to grips with my 50mm manual, fully open to f/1.4. Trying to focus on objects far away is very tricky at those settings, especially without a zoomed in live preview. Lucky for me I have upgraded my camera since then, and now life is easier.

I love getting the chance to shoot with the 50mm, especially when I get to blowout the background with a lovely bokeh effect.




This final photo is one of my favourites. I spotted a squirrel and was in the process of getting closer to it, very very quietly. Then from behind me a little Scottish terrier comes bounding right past. The squirrel is long gone and this little fluff ball disappears into the fern. We could hear the owners calling out for him, “Charlie! Charlie!” as he made his way back to them I managed to snap this beaut. I liked it so much that I printed out on canvas and hung it on my wall.


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