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Date Night Dungeons & Dragons

Cathy and I managed to have a date night, a fairly rare occasion that we get to go out alone. Our daughter had a sleepover at the grandparents, the night

The Righteous

We are doing a short series at our church all based around the title “Power in His name”. My wife Cathy was speaking for one of the sessions and had

Rob’s Top 5 Gig Photos

I was chatting the other day with a work colleague. I found out that they were really into going to see bands and taking photos. She’s already booked 13 gigs

Manchester – Richard Goodall Gallery

Recently we visited the Richard Goodall Gallery in the Northern Quarter, Manchester. I used to work in the area and loved popping in to peruse the latest contemporary pieces of

Starlord: Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy has become one of my top films to watch, and after seeing it, I was inspired to create this piece. I spent the next weekend glued

Fun in the Sun

Back in May (2014) we had some lovely sunny days. When you are in the North of England you need to make the best of them while they are around,

An Autumn Walk

These photos were taken in 2012 in November, Spring wood forest near Whalley in Lancashire. The light was perfect and I was just getting to grips with my 50mm manual,

Manchester Rain

Back in August 2010, I worked near the Northern Quarter in Manchester. If you have spent any time in the North of England, you will know that the weather can

Hound of the Baskervilles Lego

The new Lego Movie had just been released and Waterstones ran a competition to mark the occasion. The aim was to build a brick version of a favourite moment from